About Us
ANGELO FOUNDATION MEDICAL SUPPLY LIMITED [AFMS] is a premier medical distribution company that has been in operations since 2016 and is manned by a team of highly qualified, skilled, and determined professionals that are setting an outstanding trend in supplying Medical and surgical equipment/disposables, as well as dental and laboratory supplies. AFMS is committed to providing top-of-the-range products at affordable rates. AFMS also runs a surgery centre that offers a number of services including; Laparoscopy, Endoscopy, general surgery, Ophthalmology, Orthopaedic, Otolaryngology, Plastic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Breast Center, and Colorectal Surgery and Endocrine Surgery.
Special Equipment
The laser above is a high performance surgical diode laser with the broadest choice of applications in the market. Its versatility and adaptability make it a multidisciplinary tool ideal for a wide variety of surgical disciplines: from general surgery to Otolaryngology, Proctology, Thoracic surgery, Pneumology, Gynecology, Gastroenterology, Laparoscopic surgery, Vascular surgery, Dermatology, Neurosurgery and Urology among others. The 980nm wavelength of Multidiodeā¢ Surgical Series is well absorbed by oxyhemoglobin and water, achieving an excellent tissue penetration, important for surgical purposes.
Our Services
Hospital Supplies
The Different Types of Medical Equipment and Hospital Supplies: The use of medical equipment in hospitals and clinics is of greatest importance. The use of equipment allows the medical professions, like doctors, to assess a patient's medical needs. As a result, it is important to know what different types of medical equipment are available, the different functions of each, and how they all work coherently together to be able to be able to assist and treat the patient accordingly. Every day the variety of different types of medical equipment and supplies are expanding. There are many different categories of medical equipment and supplies, but the main categories are: electronic, diagnostic and surgical
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We hire out Special Medical Devices, A medical device can be any instrument, apparatus, implement, machine, appliance, implant, reagent for in vitro use, software, material or other similar or related article, intended by the manufacturer to be used, alone or in combination for a medical purpose..
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We provide training to our dear clients on how to use new deferent medical equipment. with our professional team we are able to boost our clients knowledge
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Our Team
Pamela Karungi
Faith Kads
Grace Akol
Opio Peter
information TechnologyContact Us Now
Kampala Uganda Mbuya Kireka Road
Open Hours:
Mon-Fri: 8:30AM - 5:00PM